Sunday, December 27, 2009
I went with my brother to our walking spot; today was option A. Well, perhaps I'll explain our options.
Option A, which is called "The Airplane Park". The name sounds funny, I know.
Option B is another park that is a bit further from spot A, which is called "Bomboo Shoot Park". Another weird one, I know. This is how Japanese people are... don't argue with me, please. Option C is "Kodaira Cemetry", with beautiful nature.
Option D is temple
and finally Option E is "Random area".
Anyway, I won't be remembering which spot is which option.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Singhala Lesson
Hopefully I can work on the writing for next week.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Library Service
I haven't touched the books for two weeks now in Library Service, and hopefully i can start working on something new from next week.
30th November ~ 5th December ---> Book week!
"The more you read, the more you know!"
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Singhala Lesson
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Library Service
We were making our own individual + original posters. I decided to write the OSC-book-slogan, which is "The more you read, the more you know". I decided to use the magazine pictures to make some collage. Others were drawing the manga or using the computer to create them. Mine was not finished, so I have to work on it again next week. It's about 70% finished and all I need to do is to paste the pictures and then do some degining then I'll be done.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Our aim for today was to finish making the elephants. Most of the class has went half way through, so they were able to finish them. The climax of the elephant was quite difficult, but then I could hear the excitement in their voice as the object started to look like an elephant.
I made 4 elephants before the elective, and showed them how it's going to look like. They were quite excited when they saw them.
Three people were doing did not start on making the elephants last time, so they were quite behind from others. Since they had to start from the beginning, I let them watch the video and start making the elephants. Although the video was easier than the written instruction, it was still difficult for them to make it, so I had to go to both sides, so it was quite difficult for me to do the elective today.
Anyway, at the end, eveyone finished making their own elephant, except for one girl. She wasn's happy with making elephant and she found it very boring, so I gave her my elephant. Because these elephants are going to be on the front page of the Yearbook for this year, they all have to have their own elephants.
Some of them said that they want to make the geckoes, but they are way too difficult and complicated. Although I can do the Origami, when tried to make one by watching the video, it was too complicated and I had to give up after feeling so dizzy...
We have to come up with another plan for the next time. There's only few electives left, so I hope I can find something fun, because most of them find this elective very boring. I have to decide whether I will do beads or Origami.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Library Service
Next time when I'm told to do this again, I will try to do it with speed.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Singhala Lesson
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Library Service
- Our aims
- What we do during the Library Service
- What we gain from Library Service
To be honest, I never thought of gaining something from this CAS, so at first it took time for me to come up with ideas of these three. Today was the day I realized that from working in the library, I can find new things and find other side of myself. I guess I should try to notice things around while I'm doing the CAS. We also took pictures of the group and us working in the library. I should have taken more pictures before... Anyway, the poster will be handed in tomorrow. Hopefully we will have a good one, gain more knowledge and continue to work on our CAS.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
We went half way through with elephant, so we are not finished yet. I'm hoping to finish it off for next lesson and move on to another topic, which we are still not sure if we are doing beads work or oriagami.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Singhala Lesson
The next level is going to be more about writing. It's just same as English and Japanese, writing will be different from speaking, so I bet it is going to be extremely difficult.
This is just exactly the same feeling as when I learned English for the first time. I'm struggling and sometimes I get irritated because I don't get some of them. I think I mentioned it before, but I'm moving without knowing many words. I wonder if I can do it and I don't know how I'm going to learn Singhala literature, because the only thing I can do is reading and writing, but I don't understand the meaning of those words. Will I really be ok with moving on like this?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Singhala Lesson
My reading skills are improving. I haven't done quite a lot of writing lately, so maybe I should work on that as well. I finished three stories for reading, and I have confident now, in reading. I still have to learn how to write a bit quickly, just like when I first learned English. I was always trying to write every letters neatly. That was one of the reason why I was so slow with note taking at that time but...
Nowadays I'm trying to read whatever they are saying on the signboard on the way to school or back to home. Sometimes the dirver drives too fast that I can't read a word on it, but when the school bus stops for a while, I try to read. And my tutor is happy that I'm trying.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Library Service
I'm getting used to these kinds of works, and I quite like the works too. I bet I can do this for the second semester or next year. Anyway, there's not much BIG work coming up now, so I think I'm doing good here.
Oh, there's something surprise here today. While I was organizing the new Japanese books, I found the books that I really wanted to read for all these years! It's really amazing. The last time I read was when I was in 6th grade in elementary school in Japan. Well, this story has got up to 7 or 8 chapters, but I never had a chance to finish them all. And all the sudden they're here, with all the chapters! I was so happy, well, I still am. I wish these books were on the list of my Self Taught. I've got to read these! But it's a sad thing, I can't borrow them right away, because these books have to have a cover on them. I can't wait, but I still have time and they won't run away, will they?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Singala Lesson
It's not for the first time I noticed, but while I was learning "B" letter, baby in Singhala is "Baba", but in Japanese it's a impolite way of saying "old waman", or a "hag". I think it's good to learn the differences of using words in different languages, so that I will be careful of using them when I'm with people from different nationalities.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Library Service
Oh yeah, I didn't see any 12th graders coming in today. I wonder where they were....
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Singhala Lesson
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Library Service
The jobs are getting interesting. I would like to do this next year, too.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Singhala lesson
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Library Service
I just realized today, how long these books take time to be put in the space to be read by people. Next time, I would like to work on organizing the books. Maybe put the returned books back to where it was etc. I hope I can learn the Library techniques through this half semester's service.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Library Service
Today we wrote down list of the numbers of the magazines in the library and made new papers to define different types of magazines in different box. I like this service, because the place is quiet and working around the books. It feels quite nice. Though I kind of miss the days I spent in "Prison Babies" last year with those children.
I hope I can help Ms. Lockwood well.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Singhala Lesson

At 3PM, the Singhala lesson started. I'm using a book called "Singithi akuru", which is for the small children to learn the letters. →
I have started this lesson from last yeah, beginning of the 10th grade. I think my skills are improving. Right now I can write and read, but I still cannot read as fast as the Sri Lankan people. When I finish this book, I will be doing more reading, then I will start to write and learn new words to speak.

This is me, reading the text book.
IB Orientation CAS hours

Friday, September 4, 2009
26th August - First elective day
This elective is for grade 6 to 8, with 10 people. I chose these grades, because I was quite sure that these age group girls and boys like to do Origami. And especially for girls, I thought they'd love to do beads work.
The elective will start off with Origami first. It will continue for a month, and then we will start bead work for the next month, which is in September.
I made the examples of Origami before the elective day, so that kids will understand the shape of the items, and it'll be easy for them to choose which ones they want to make. I have made about 15 items and we made 3 items today; a cup, balloon and ninja star (throwing star). We also made a lily, but we weren't able to complete it, so we will finish it off first for the next elective (9th September). Unfortunately I do not have a picture as an evidence, but I will keep a signature of the superviser in my homework diary as another evidence.
- We (Gurleen and I) came to the class late, when all the kids were already there and waiting for us to start. So from next time, I will not be late so that we can start on time.
- The elective did not go on as smooth as I expected. Gurleen didn't know how to make all the items I made. This is my fault, because I taught her only the easy items so that she needed the books in her hand to teach the kids how to make. So, from next time, before the elective starts, I will first teach her how to make those items, so that the elective will move on smoothly and she can help the kids, without asking me.
Next elective is going to be on 9th September and we will be making initial names of kids in the elective. I have taught Gurleen how to make her initial, G. Also I will make one for myself to show them as examples. After making them, we will make those initials as the key-chains to put it on their bags or pencil case.
Welcome to MY IB CAS BLOG!
My goal in these two years (2009-2011) is to get involved in most of the CAS activities and understand the importance of it. Especially this year is my first year to start the CAS, therefore I'm looking forward to enjoy, and hopefully I can learn something from several activities.
- CAS activities
- Personal experience and challenge
- Thoughts during the CAS hours
- Reflections on my activities and learning