Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Today was my first elective of the second semester. I'm leading "Beads and Papers" again. There were 8 students with 1 absent. We discussed with everyone and decided to make items with beads for first 5 class, and then make papers after the beads. However, some had an idea of making one by one, therefore we have to have a chat again for the next time.
Anyway, we were using beads today, to make pyxies for today. It was quite easy for most of them, so we didn't use all the time finishing it. There were some times left, so we thought of making another item, but unfortunately we didn't have any small boxes to separate different types of beads, so we decided to make the simplest boxes with papers. With a small time left, everyone made at least one box for each of them. We will use those boxes for the next time. However, remembering the idea of making beads and papers one by one, I thought of making boxes with papers, but not the simplest ones. There are boxes use 6 papers in total to make one box, and they are beautiufl, so I'm sure everyone will love it. Well, this is all up to them, so I have to organize for the next elective.

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