Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Second elective day! It actually came faster than I expected it.
Unfortunately I was sick. I started having fever on Monday, and it was ok this morning, but still, I was sweating all the time while I was in the elective. I thought of staying at home, but then when I thought that I was the only leader of this elective, I thought I should come, so I got a note from my guardian saying: I will be going home as soon as the first period (elective) finishes. Yeah, and I think that was a good choice, because almost end of the elective, I was actually feeling dizzy...
Because I was like this, I thought it'll be difficult to teach 10 girls, but since this week has an election, most of the students were absent. There were only 4 girls today, so it was easier. We desided to make boxes today. We made boxes last time, but this time, it's different, more complicated, but more beautiful! Everyone was struggling, and we couldn't finish making them, but everyone got to the point where their boxes are about to be done.
I must say that this group is actually better than the last one, because they are more industrious. Well, it's quite hard to say it in front of the last supervisor...
Mrs. Lockwood joined us for a short time today. It was really fun. I'm looking forward for the next elective day!
By the way, I took my camera from home, but them I forgot to take photos....

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